Find your peace.

Welcome to High Point Behavioral Health, where your mental well-being is our priority. We specialize in providing compassionate and confidential psychiatric care to teens and adults. Whether you're facing personal challenges, emotional difficulties, or seeking support for mental health, our experienced team is here to help. Take the first step towards feeling better. Book an appointment or contact us today to start your journey towards peace.

What we do

Welcome to High Point Behavioral Health, where we specialize in personalized psychiatric care for teens and adults. Our practice is dedicated to helping individuals navigate their unique mental health journeys through expert, compassionate treatment of mood disorders, including depression and anxiety. From comprehensive assessments and innovative psychotherapy techniques to tailored medication management, we provide a full spectrum of outpatient services designed to support healing and improve quality of life. Discover more about our dedicated approach and how we can assist you or your loved one in achieving mental wellness.

Individualized care

At High Point Behavioral Health, we believe that effective treatment is tailored to the individual. Every client's journey is unique, and so should be their care plan. Our dedicated team of professionals takes the time to understand your specific needs and circumstances, developing a personalized treatment approach that aligns with your personal goals and challenges. We offer a range of therapeutic modalities and interventions designed to provide the most effective support for you as an individual. Embrace a path to wellness that is as unique as you are, with our commitment to individualized care at every step.

Specializing in mood disorders

At High Point Behavioral Health, we specialize in the expert treatment of mood disorders for both teens and adults. Our focused care includes comprehensive management of depression, bipolar disorder, and anxiety, utilizing the latest evidence-based practices and therapies. We understand the complex nature of these conditions and provide a supportive and understanding environment where our clients can achieve optimal mental health. Our team is dedicated to not just managing symptoms, but to understanding and treating the root causes of mood disorders. Explore our specialized services and let us guide you towards a more stable and fulfilling life.

Book an Appointment

Take the first step towards a healthier, more balanced life with High Point Behavioral Health. We are committed to providing you with personalized and compassionate care. Book your appointment now to begin your journey with a team that understands and supports your mental health needs. Book today and move closer to achieving your personal wellness goals.